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Ups and Downs

I've been quiet here for the last little while. The truth is that I've been having a hard time staying positive and optimistic, so writing an encouraging post felt weird. I don't know that I would have really believed what I was saying. Today was a good day, and it reminded me that all of the challenges we face are temporary.

The last few weeks have been all over the map. Some really good things have happened, but we've had some challenges too. I've been feeling really mentally tired trying to keep up with it all.


Troy is going in for surgery again. He had surgery last January because of an intestinal obstruction. He went back under this past fall to have a couple of lumps removed and tested. Now he has an aural hematoma (a bunch of blood stuck in the skin of his ear flap) and has to have that fixed. Thankfully, this is not life threatening. He is going to be just fine. It is, however, somewhat costly.

Troy has been a money pit lately. His mobility has not been great either, so I've been buying things to help him with that. I've gotten non-slip mats and area rugs to help him get around the house more easily. I also bought him a new harness to help support him going up stairs, getting into the car, and on walks if needed. I love him so much and just want to make things as easy as possible for him. It feels like he's always got something going on.


Spice has actually been thriving recently. She just had her first Rally Obedience trial today, and she did so well. She qualified for both of our runs but, more importantly, she was so happy and confident the whole time. She has seemed pretty happy and confident in general lately. She has had some moments where she's struggled with certain things, but the hard work I've put in to her training is paying off.

We have been taking Reactive Dog classes at Red Barn Event Centre, which is also where I work. Both Spice and I have learned a lot so far, and I have actually really enjoyed doing the homework for our class. I've even taken some of the exercises to do with the other dogs in the house too. If you are in the Barrie area and need help with reactivity, I highly recommend this course. We are only halfway through, so we've got more to learn; however, I am so enjoying what we have been doing so far.


Zero has been struggling recently, and it's beyond my level of expertise. He has started anxiety medication, and I've been seeking help from Karen, who is also Spice's teacher for Reactive Dog class. It can be really hard when you want to help someone who you love, but you don't know what to do. It's important to know when to ask for outside help. This is true for other things in life, but it definitely applies to dog training. If you are dealing with something beyond the scope of your knowledge, find a professional who can help you work through it.

Zero is such a loving and affectionate dog, so it is really hard to see him struggling. He has definitely been improving in the past few weeks, but he is still not quite himself. The other night, I woke up to him stress panting like he was having a panic attack. He thankfully settled down fairly quickly with some gentle pets and verbal reassurance. It was heartbreaking to see him like that.

I'm trying to remind myself that where I am with Zero is where I was with Spice not too long ago. Now Spice is just fine. Zero can get here too. It will just take some time and a bit of work. Just like us humans go through ups and downs, so do our dogs.

If you are struggling with your dog, please do not be shy about asking for help. I know so many of my students are so motivated to do the work and get their training done, but you need to know what you are doing first.

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