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New Years Resolutions

While I do have some personal goals for 2023 (many of which are directly related to barknbuck, so keep reading), I also have things that I want to accomplish with the four-legged creatures I live with. The most important part about goal setting is to make a plan of action to achieve them. I like to write mine down.


1) Work towards her Sporting Detection Champion title through the SDDA

This is a scent detection thing, and I am hoping to achieve it with Spice in 2023. What she is struggling with the most are high hides. She used to do just fine with them, but we were recently at a trial where she put her feet up on a box to reach a hide and the box fell over. It spooked her and she has been a bit hesitant to climb up on things to sniff since. This is a confidence issue, so Spice is going to set the pace with how quickly she progresses. Since this is rooted in fear, I do not want to push her too far too fast or the pressure could make things worse.

2) Work towards her Rally Advanced title through CARO

Spice got her novice title right at the end of 2022, and I am planning on working towards her advanced in 2023. She is a bit nervous in the ring with the judges (a stranger) watching us, so I am thinking about taking her to some dog friendly stores to practice some skills to help build up her confidence around people she does not know. She is also great at jumping, but got distracted by tape on the floor at the last trial, so we will practice with tape on the floor too. Basically, what we need to do is alter our training environment a bit in order to help her be successful in situations that are different than what she is used to.


1) Get his Trick Dog Champion title through DMWYD

Troy has known enough tricks to get this title for YEARS, but I haven't bothered to submit it. This is mostly because it's fairly expensive, and there has always been something else to spend my money on with the justification that I can submit for his title at any time. However, Troy is getting older and he already struggles with his mobility. I want to get him his title before he is physically unable to do it. Looking back, I feel bad for putting it on the back burner and now want to make this goal a priority.

2) Retire Him From Attending Trials?

Troy does not attend trials very often as is, but I am thinking of stopping altogether with it. He enjoys the training, but he would probably prefer to be at home in bed over being at a trial all day. One of the reasons that I like to trial with my dogs is that it gives me ideas for what to work on with my dogs. Instead of having to always be brainstorming new things, I can look at what skills we need for our next title and work on that. I also keeps me motivated to train. I think Troy may prefer if he just tags along with Spice's training and learns what she learns without having to spend hours at a trial. This one is not set in stone, so I guess the resolution here is to put Troy's preferences above my own. Just because I like trials does not mean he does, so I plan on observing his behaviour and proceeding based on how he feels as opposed to what I want.


1) Start Working Towards Trick Titles

Mortimer has already done some training, and he LOVES it. I have picked out some tricks from the novice title list I think he would enjoy learning, so we are going to work on those and go from there. Mortimer has so much energy, and I think he could benefit from this form of enrichment. He is the most likely member of the household to misbehave, and that means he is probably a bit bored. Training will give him something to do.

2) Do More Leash Training

I want Mortimer to be comfortable in public since I would eventually like to audition him to get a talent agent for tv and movie roles. Going out in public means going out on leash. He has already done some work with this, but I want to make it a more regular occurrence. Leash pressure is weird for animals who are not familiar with it.


1) Re-Integrate Him Back Into the Household

Zero has been living with my mom for a while now. I am planning on moving at some point in 2023, and I want to see how Zero does in that new environment. I do not want any transitions to be stressful for him, so my mom and I have talked about having them come visit a few times and maybe have him come for a sleepover or two before he would officially make the move. Once he arrives, he will be taking it easy as he gets used to living in a multi-dog household again.

2) Put His Best Interests First

I have recently seen a lot of hate circulating on social media about people who choose to re-home a pet, and it has been bothering me because I know first-hand how hard it is to decide that your home is not the right fit and to take action to find a better situation for your pet. As much as I want Zero to live with me again, his well-being needs to be at the centre of my decision-making. I kept him in my home for so long because those shaming posts made me feel like it was the right thing to do. He is so happy now, and he could have been this happy so much sooner if I had not been influenced by social media.

Goals for barknbuck

1) Grow a YouTube Channel

The first video will be going up on Monday at noon as the first episode of a series called The ABCs of Dog Training. I have several series planned out, filming for them has begun, and I look forward to sharing a new type of content.

2) Develop an Online Training School

This has been in the works for a while, but I will be officially launching some online courses in February. The first two to be made available will be available for free, but more will be following them. Other instructors will also be sharing their knowledge, and I am so looking forward to building this program over the year.

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1 komentář

Jeff Buck
Jeff Buck
04. 1. 2023

Well done Sophie. I hope you meet your goals!!!we are always so proud of you.

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